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Comprehensive workbook with 11 chapters overflowing with wisdom drawn from my 30 years of experience
In addition to your hour Coaching sessions, you'll also receive:
Access to the amazing discussion between Wendi and Dr Anita Johnston
Dr Anita Johnston is a clinical psychologist and certified eating disorder specialist in the field of women’s issues and eating disorders.
An invitation to our private Overcoming Emotional Eating Facebook group
A place to meet, speak with and learn from others who are on the same journey.
Chapter 5 from Wendi's upcoming 'Overcoming Emotional Eating: An Experiential Workbook'
Chapter 5 is 'The Beliefs that Drive Your Food.'
In this chapter, you will begin to discover your own beliefs around food, eating and your weight. Beliefs you get to decide to keep, or throw them out.
Wendi's top 5 'Overcoming Emotional Eating'-Podcasts.
The Overcoming Emotional Eating-Podcast is ranked consistently in the top 100 in America. We've picked the most relevant, helpful 5 to get you started.